How do I get a legal copy notarized? - notarized copy of document
Where and how do I get a notarized document? I already went to the bank or Post / Kinko 's, and they said they were not authorized to do so. Thank you for your help
How do I get a legal copy notarized? - notarized copy of document
Where and how do I get a notarized document? I already went to the bank or Post / Kinko 's, and they said they were not authorized to do so. Thank you for your help
My bank authenticate documents to me free. I've never heard of a man who does not. But if yours does not really look at the notary in the Yellow Pages.
Your bank (or any other bank, but yours will be free)
The library usually has notaries on staff also
(usually for free or for a gift)
To call a lawyer and notary. You can find them in the Yellow Pages. Most accountants are also notary public - a check with the local tax office or tax adviser who is usually a sign in the window with the words "notary public".
The notary verifies the signature. If you try to get something else, such as the confirmation that the copy of a copy accuate Do not use a notary.
Exchange, have usually a notary public.
Use the document to a notary public - A bank, insurance, clothes, homes, etc. person entitled to a notary stamp and sign the document. Bring identification. Some notaries May a prior business relationship with you require, before a notary for your doctor.
You have to go to a law firm. You can do it for you.
- Good luck!
County Courthouse
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