Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Cholesterol And Masterbation High Cholesterol, When Do You Have To Start Taking Medication?

High cholesterol, when do you have to start taking medication? - cholesterol and masterbation

My husband was playing today
HDL - 61
LDL - 167
Trigy - 89
Ratio - 4.0
Total cholesterol - 246
FPG - 93
Blood pressure 138/80

Is this normal, or if the drug because of elevated LDL? What values should a person diagnosed with drugs? Thank you for your reply.


Against DOGMA said...

It's not bad ... and certainly not bad enough to take drugs. I am not a doctor, but I'm a crazy physical health of the family has high cholesterol and I see these things carefully.

Medication as a last resort. I get Lipitor is and where, as usual .... until now.

The best way to lower cholesterol is to change your diet .. Find out which foods created in the first place (chips, mashed potatoes and gravy, red meat, bacon ..... its obvious that if we can establish itself only) cholesterol in the blood and suppressed. A good routine is always a little whole-grain breakfast within 30 minutes after waking in the morning (even if you do not eat breakfast, lunch from the main and lower cholesterol while your here, in most cases) Drink 8 to 16 liters of water, fresh water and clean do not touch. Then you eat througout fiber per day, at least every two hours .. Carrots, apples, fiber bars .... Drink lots of water (nectar of life has been neglected forYears, but the science is the realization of its very important to properly maintain the cells in your body works). There is another thing you can do ... Drink one ounces cider vinegar every morning ..... cleans the arteries .... and get a vitamin supplement that contains B50 and niacin .... they also help cleanse the arteries and nourish the heart and that's what we worry about cholesterol. I know this is long, but I just wanted to help ... I take tablets to the rapid promotion of ... because it is not good for the body to take pills .. then you have to take more pills to counteract the side effects and the next thing you know you take 20 pills a day .. the body is not on filter mats ..... developed why I think people are sick at the present time.

Good Luck

Bill C said...

I think there are many options before medication.

1) Change the food. This is the best high cholesterol foods.Eat method.Avoid more oatmeal, can be reduced to cholesterol.If no objection with cornflakes.

2) Add garlic to your diet. Garlic has many good qualities that difficult to enumerate here. Its miraculous properties ... lowers cholesterol.

3) Try a small glass of red wine per day. I dare not say, because our nature to overdo things ... It is true that alcohol can reduce cholesterol as well. Red wine also has antioxidants.

You may want some of these methods prior to drugs to try.

c r said...

I had similar symptoms. There is a new product on the horizon, any time for anyone who has used it worked. It's called Seven +. It is a drug, so that no efx side. Also offers a challenge to be guaranteed and 7 days free to see if it work for you. But be careful ... He has tons of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals Omegas 3,6,7 and 9, which is at a healthy level of well Cholestrol advantage ... talk too much, it might also help your energy, sleep and countless illnesses and diseases, is charged to serve. It was a blessing for all those I spoke a. lookin www.brolinforexfuze.iexfuze.net some time to spend with them. There are tons of stories, some well-known athletes, coaches, and people every day. You can also use a lil extra money if you wish. It pays to check your time. E-mail me at crosquist@utah.gov if you have any questions. It is relatively unknown, because there are year.Best only about 1 regards, Cary

Obama, the ineligible elect! said...

My cholesterol is fine. You must see a total relationship Chol / HDL placed in the category of low risk. Do not worry about cholesterol. The sugar is guard. Stay away from trans fats and vegetable oils. (Processed foods)

http://www.westonaprice.org/askdoctor/hi ...

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