Saturday, December 19, 2009

Vitiligo Vitiligo......................…

Vitiligo......................… - vitiligo

I know somebody who has vitiligo, which has a small white spot on his arm, there is a possibility that will not grow?
And if it grows a little, is that really going to infect the whole organism?


Angali R said...

I had this for 7 years. There is no way to speard everywhere. I have tried everything to get rid of it. Finally, someone who had this problem told me about Chinese medicine. From 2 strangers I met, "he said helped them.
Tell him that a doctor who has to find an alternative Chinese medicine. It is fundamentally different to combine herbal doctors to help your body to react nomally. I personally received the herb to improve blood circulation.
It helps a lot. He stopped dpeading and skin color is back.

The reason for this is that your body will kill the identification of pigments (color hapens). It is an autoimmune disease.

view360 said...

It is possible, not develop and there will certainly be to infect your way body.Any all I can say something on the Vitiligo cure.
As for the Cure in vitiligo, Different people heal the words "in a different context. Some use this term to the complete eradication of the disease in the body, while others only once with other pigmented lesions.
If you mean the complete eradication of the disease in their system, which is a complicated subject. Vitiligo results from a disruption of normal defense mechanisms against infections. The body starts producing antibodies against pigment producing cells of the skin. There are no definite causes are known and the means. This is a common disorder of the immune system, and there is currently no acceptable fixed to stop this process.
Damage to the production of pigment cells manifests as patches of skin that have little or no pigment. This is what bothers you, us and everyone else.
You can not cure or stop, but you can manage the local manifestations (white Pat

Catlover... said...

The patch can grow and if so can spread out to other parts of the body has. The key is to seek the appropriate treatment at this time, vitiligo, and / or try to stop the affected skin back to its original color.
There are a variety of treatments available, and I'll break topical treatment (cream EI) in small plots.
I have this interest in a site that was with acupuncture - the daughter of acupuncture successfully addresses the problem of vitiligo with the recommended. See the website at:

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